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Ms. Zoe
2019-12-10 14:34:11   來源:   評論:0 點擊:

Ms. Zoe holds a Master of Music degree from the University of Queensland. She focuses on developing of early years' performing arts curriculum,  teaching, and performance directingAfter receiving her Music Teacher Certificate in 2014, Zoe began teaching students from pre-school to primary school, also engaged with the choir program's rehearsal and vocal coach as part of the Queensland Music Festival in Australia. 

Ms. Zoe has many years of curriculum research and developing experience, including Early Childhood Music Learning Curriculum Investigation (University of Queensland,  Brisbane), Educational Dialogue Analysis T-SEDA (University of Cambridge, MOOC), Drama-based pedagogy in pupils’ motivation on the second language learning ( University of Michigan). Her research outputs have been published in several qualified international plateforms, including the 12th Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research; Annual Conference of Chinese Education Research (2021), 18th Annual Kaleidoscope Conference, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, International  Journal of Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. 

 Zoe’s vocal projects cover multiple styles of original folk, classical, and musical theatre. Her performing projects include recording and performing with her vocal group, in cooperation with the Chinese local government. She won awards at the Hong Kong International Vocal Competition in 2016 and the TVB Global Chinese Rookie Singing Contest (Brisbane Selection) in 2017. She served as an Alto for the University of Queensland Choral Programs, Musical Theatre Choir Programs,  performed with the University of Queensland Symphony Orchestra and Queensland Youth Symphony Orchestra in the Queensland Performing Arts Center (QPAC), Municipal Art MuseumMunicipal Church, and Shanghai Culture square. She was also involved in the sound design and operation of the “Stop Kiss” theatre program.



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