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Ms. Marina
2021-09-07 12:47:20   來源:   評論:0 點擊:

Graduated from Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama with a double Master in Opera and Music Performance. Marina is a seasoned opera singer and musical performer with productions for the the Magic Flute, Midsummer Night’s Dream, the Phantom of the Opera and Cats to name a few. Awarded“Excellent Singer”title twice in the National Peacock Cup Singing Competition.
Rewards and Experience:
- “Ni Fan” and “Doctor LIN” in musical “Flower For Alglrnon”Chinese version.
- “Yutong Chan” in Chinese Musical “Come Home 1949”.
- “Yanbin Lee” in Chinese Musical “Daddy’s Letter”.
- Special guest in Shanghai Cultural Square 8th Anniversary Event.
- Martini “The Very Moment” Theatre Training Workshop.
- The Finalist of Shanghai International Musical Arts Festival.


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